Our Approach

Summit Learning Institute® is an EdTech company that provides an online learning gateway to help adult learners develop the skills, mindset, and sense of agency to take ownership of their life while in pursuit of their personal and professional goals.

We offer quality learning and development solutions in the areas of Empowerment LearningProfessional Development, and Leadership Development.

Summit Learning Institute® employs Empowerment Learning Methodology to help people gain a sense of agency in achieving their personal and professional goals through the provision of online empowerment learning tools, resources, courses, and coaching.  

Our work takes inspiration from Paulo Freire’s empowerment education theory that focuses on helping people build their capacity to develop and/or change their behaviors and ultimately realize positive and self-sustaining social, professional, and economic outcomes.

Our Principles of Partnership underpins our collaborative work with community, corporate, and state and local government partnerships.

Summit Learning Institute® LLC is an official ByBlack Certified Business by the U.S. Black Chambers, Inc.

Greatness Starts Now

Our Story

Summit Learning Institute (SLI) was founded by a husband and wife team Drs. NNeka and Chris Harrison. The couple founded SLI after developing a growing passion to help people take charge of their lives in order to achieve their personal and professional goals.

Dr. NNeka Allen-Harrison, Ed.D.

President & CEO

I was raised in Oakland, CA, and taught in the local public schools. I was an underperforming student and did not realize the misfortune until my early twenties. Imagine my surprise when I sat in a community college classroom for the first time without proper preparation—I was discouraged. The deprivation of good teaching engendered my lack of academic readiness and self-confidence. Fortunately, I eventually encountered caring educators through supplemental support. During several months of intense self-discovery and personal development, I uncovered NNeka. My true academic journey began at my alma mater—Clark Atlanta University. I went from low-performing to academic excellence!

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Dr. Chris Harrison, Ed.D.

Managing Director

I was raised in a single-parent home by my mother in East Oakland, CA where she helped me realize the positive effects that religious/extra-curricular (Community), educational (School), and familial (Parental) efforts can have on helping youth overcome the challenges that often mitigate the success of students in urban areas. This led to my development of a foundational regard for family, faith, education, and community. I believe that education is a path to a higher quality of life, a way of preparation for purposeful living, and a doorway to realizing dreams, addressing social dilemmas, and leaving a mark of excellence on the hearts and minds of present and future generations.

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Our Core Values

Teach With Passion

Design With Care

Inspire With Purpose