Improving Economic Outcomes for African-Americans In The SF Bay Area

As Principal Investigator (PI) of a new research study in collaboration with community partners and Mills at Northeastern University, our President & CEO is leading the charge in championing "Empowerment Learning" as a viable strategy for improving economic outcomes for African-Americans in the SF Bay Area.


A Certified Small Business (SB) approved by the State of California.

We are happy to announce that Summit Learning Institute® is now a Certified Small Business (SB) by the State of California - Department of General Services (DGS)! 

Summit Learning Institute® Is A Certified Minority-Owned Business.

We are happy to announce that Summit Learning Institute® has been certified by ByBlack and the U.S. Chambers, Inc. (USBC) as a Minority-Owned Business and Black-Owned Business! 

ByBlack Directory Listing

Expanding Our Corporate & Community Partnerships

Summit Learning Institute® is now an approved diversity-owned supplier in the Meta Diversity Supplier Program to its internal staff and departmental teams.

Expanding Our Corporate & Community Partnerships

Summit Learning Institute® has joined Google, Inc. as a Global Diversity Supplier to its internal staff and departmental teams.