eBook Summary

Twenty years ago, only a very small percentage of people worked remotely. Now we have broadband internet, smartphones, and videoconferencing. The way we work has fundamentally changed. The result is that it’s much easier to work from home, which large numbers of people now do.

Remote work or working from home has become the new normal these days. What many people don’t realize, however, is that working remotely is very different than working in an office. Many of the rhythms and routines that help you thrive in the office don’t work as well at home. If you’re going to thrive as a remote worker, it’s important to learn a new set of skills and strategies.

For instance, setting up a home office can naturally blend into the rest of the room when you set them up the right way. It just takes a bit of thought and creativity to make an office that works for you.

In this eBook, we’re going to cover how to do remote work and provide you with recommendations, strategies, and things for you to consider that will help you work effectively and efficiently whether you are out of the office or at home. 

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